A few days late, I know, but April's Beer of the Month is a real cracker! It's Nogne-O's #100. A superb 10% abv Norwegian Barleywine (although it is also named as an IIPA), brewed to commemorate the company brewing their one hundredth batch of beer. Due to phenomenal demand (you just have to taste it to see why), they then made it again, and again. And again. It's now one of their regular beers. It is packed full of flavour and character, with a deep reddy brown hue and a smell of oak and bitter-sweet fruit. On the palate it is about as complex a beer as I've come across, and the depth of flavour is remarkable. Definitely not one to be missed. Nogne have also recently released their five hundredth batch, known as #500. This is a double IPA which is sure to be great!